Today I did the longest distance I’ve ever done and I was faster than the 15 miler I did 2 weeks ago. I met my goal of averaging 16:30 m/m. I thought I had the proper distance mapped out, but I had to circle around the Bethesda Metro to finish out that last mile. People probably thought I was nuts. 😉 I pushed it, but not in a crazy way.
My friend Heather met me at Mile 4 and hung out until Mile 12 (that’s a real friend). Mile 14 was my best pace (13:33). I have no idea where that came from and I paid for it. It’s just at the point I felt like running longer than the other miles. My knee said that’s enough of that, but I managed to keep going to finish out the goal distance.
I really have to work on my leg and core strength — it really shows at the end of the runs. As happy as I was with today’s run, I’m still 10.2 miles away from my marathon distance. I’m working on it though and fortunately I have more than 2 months and a great play list for the times my friends aren’t around.
Splits: 16:22, 16:03, 16:20, 16:03, 15:29, 15:36, 18:06, 16:45, 18:02, 16:12, 17:10, 17:45, 17:06, 13:33 (!!), 17:05, 16:29