My mojo’s back
January 15, 2012
Fun lunch time run
February 7, 2012
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First run since 1/27/12

My left Achilles and calves are feeling much better since I had deep tissue massage done on my glutes (apparently they were causing some of the problems with my calves and Achilles). Now that my glutes are looser, my stride is much more fluid and easier. I ran a 5:20/0:40 run/walk intervals tonight (have been doing 2:30/0:30 due to muscle cramps) and I didn’t feel like I was pushing it. Goal was 5 minute warm-up/30 minute run/5 minute cool down. This was for 2 reasons — 1) not to push it and 2) gym was closing in 45 minutes (LOL). Stats were awesome. Ran even splits for the last 1.45 miles. Mile 1 = 12:42 (best pace: 10:44); Mile 2 = 12:01 (best pace: 10:49); Mile 3 = 12:01 (best pace: 10:11 did a little sprinting at the end). I was consistent during running intervals so I think the best pace was my actual pace during the running intervals. The best part is this pace felt really easy and not pushed. I’m very happy with tonight’s run. Hopefully it’s not too icy tomorrow. I really want to get back outside. 🙂

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