Sometimes a Coach Needs A Coach
June 11, 2021
NAWBO 2022 WBO of the Year Top 10 Finalist
July 30, 2022

I am so excited that I had another opportunity to work with Jon’ll Boyd of The Eventful Life TV series. The Eventful Life TV shares the unspoken truths about the triumphs and challenges that Mompreneurs and women in business face daily while still showing up as their full selves.

I first met Jon’ll when I spoke at her 2020 Planners Suite Conference. She is a dynamo! This video is the recording of our conversation about The 3P’s: Perseverance, Planning, and Productivity — 3 of my fav topics. I share my experiences and my advice for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and small businesses. If you have any questions about the topics, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.

As Jon’ll says, we are finding our rhythm in this last half of the year as we come out of a pandemic. So many changes have occurred personally and professionally, it’s so important that we find ways to re-establish, habits and processes that will allow us to thrive in both our life and business. What we know is old ways don’t always serve us well in the face of new opportunities but how do we unlearn to relearn? And how do we keep ourselves motivated as we move into these new habits?

Check out the video (link is below). I’d love to hear what you think so leave me a comment either below or on the video page. And please subscribe to my channel. I appreciate your support!!

Also make sure to subscribe to Jon’ll’s The Eventful Life TV YouTube channel more great content:

Here are some highlights of the

The Eventful Life TV #LivinOutLoud: Perseverance, Planning and Productivity with Diana Dibble video.:


Business ownership will through you curve balls that would make the MLB proud. In the video I talk about my journey as an entrepreneur and share my story of how my company made it through 9/11 (we incorporated Design To Delivery Inc on 9/10/2001), the recession, and multiple federal government shutdowns. What do you do if you’re facing a change in circumstances and don’t know what to do? I’ll also give tips that you can use for your business.


Planning is one of my favorite things, but it’s not just using planners to staying organized. In the video I talk about the things business owners need to do when planning to start a business and creating a solid environment for stability and growth. I also talk about the 3 people you need as resources no matter how small or large your business is. Curious as to who they are? I tell you in the video.


You may be busy, but are you productive? Do you know the difference? Let’s talk about things you can do if you’re busy, but don’t feel like you’re getting a lot done. Small changes can yield big results.


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