Barefoot and Minimalist Running
May 24, 2011
I’m race ready
June 2, 2011
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Taper = Don’t do anything stupid

I have one more week before the half marathon. Runners know that you have to taper before a race to allow your body time to recover and to have fresh legs. In addition to tapering, I make sure that I don’t do anything stupid during this period. Now is not the time to tweak, pull or aggravate anything. I’m not testing any new equipment or clothing, except my Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training (TNT) singlet to make sure it doesn’t rub anywhere.

This has been quite a week with the realization I’m going to run a half marathon. The sonic boom you may have heard on Tuesday was my head exploding. In the big picture, this wasn’t a bad thing. It allowed me to release pent up anxiety that I didn’t even know I had. Plus there’s nothing wrong with feeling like I did. After all 13.1 miles isn’t short and I’ve never attempted a race of this distance. What also helped was finally meeting my other TNT teammates. I haven’t been able to train with them due to scheduling, but it turns out many of us have been feeling the same way. With mutual reassurance, we’re all ready to tackle this challenge. I have one last long run (6 miles) on Sunday and from there I plan to just keep moving (walking) and taking it easy. I’m going to make a list of everything I need to take with me and not wait until the last minute to pack.

Tick…tick…tick…Zooma Annapolis Half — here I come. 🙂

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