January 21, 2011

Racing is now Fundracing

People who know me know that I love to race. Yes, I have been bitten hard by the racing bug. I get a sense of accomplishment […]
May 17, 2011

Less than 3 weeks to go

First the great news. I exceeded my fund raising goal for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training! Thank you to all of my friends […]
May 18, 2011

Mental training ramps up

I just read a great quote: “You run the first half of a marathon with your legs – the second half with your heart.”  ~Dean Karnazes […]
May 27, 2011

Taper = Don’t do anything stupid

I have one more week before the half marathon. Runners know that you have to taper before a race to allow your body time to recover […]