Many of you probably know that I am an avid bike rider. This summer, I will do an event like no other I have ever done. I will bike 72 miles through Northern Jersey and upstate NY to Camp Simcha, an extraordinary overnight camp that gives ill children a vacation from sickness, and restores their spirits and renews their determination to fight.
It’s been several years since I last did any fund-racing. This time I will be doing it with and for Tour de Simcha. I actually found out about them about 2 years ago, but with my racing and work schedules, I couldn’t take on any more commitments. This year, I’ve been fortunate that my schedule has allowed me to participate by working with the Tour de Simcha Director on local recruiting. And then somehow after telling her that I wouldn’t be able to do the ride, I wound up signing up. [This seems to happen to me a lot, but in this case I really don’t mind.]
I have had a lot of challenges lately, especially with the chronic tendinitis in my knee so this ride won´t be easy. Thankfully I have an awesome team at Nu’U Vitality Center where I can do strength training and get massage therapy whenever I need it. But anything I am going through pales in comparison to the challenges faced by a child with cancer or other serious illness. Camp Simcha and its sister camp, Camp Simcha Special, are Chai Lifeline’s flagship programs. Every year these two camps offer 430 children a chance to forget about illness and just be kids again. (To learn more about Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha special, visit
My goal is to bike to the camp on Wednesday, July 6, 2016. My objective is to raise $5,400 by May 31, 2016 and I hope you will help me reach this goal.
To donate, click here visit my page All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance!