My Take on The World

November 18, 2010

Getting back on track

I haven’t lost my love of running, but I have lost some steam. First I had the problem with it being so dark in the morning […]
November 7, 2010

A PR? Oh yeah!!

I ran the Rockville 5K today. I had basically no sleep last night. I have only run once a week since mid October. And I’m nursing […]
October 27, 2010

Can’t wait for the time change

I was so motivated during the summer, even with the high temps. I ran 3x per week without fail. But lately I can’t get myself up […]
October 10, 2010

I Ran My First 10K Race!

I did it! I ran the Boo! Run for Life 10k race in 1:19:29. I’m happy for several reasons: 1) I completed the race on my […]
October 8, 2010

My First 10K Race is on 10-10-10

After training hard all summer, my first 10K race is finally here. I’m running the Boo! Run for Life race on 10-10-10. I remember the fateful […]
September 26, 2010

Using a pedometer for running

Most people have a set training program that includes running and strength training. Smart people also include cross-training such as biking, swimming or similar activities. I […]
September 5, 2010

Conquered a 10K training run – Finally

I finally ran the 10K distance today!! AND I had a blast doing it. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to this distance. The last couple […]
August 27, 2010

Can’t wait for fall!

It’s been a very interesting summer considering I’m still fairly new to running. OK, so 10 months may not be so new, but in the grand […]
August 17, 2010

BOMF: Good things happen to those who run

Good things happen to those who run. If you’re a runner, then you know this is true. Running improves fitness, longer life, sense of accomplishment, friendship […]
July 23, 2010

The Positives of Running for Government Contractors

We all know that fitness is good for your body, your heart, your mind, yada, yada, yada. We’ve all heard it. And we know that when […]