My Take on The World
February 7, 2012
Awesome lunch time run. I always wanted to run on Old Georgetown Road. I started on the Bethesda Trolley Trail, which started out uphill so it […]
February 4, 2012
My left Achilles and calves are feeling much better since I had deep tissue massage done on my glutes (apparently they were causing some of the […]
January 15, 2012
WOOT! I’ve got my mojo back! I’m pretty stoked. I did 20 miles of all types of workouts in December (run, bike, walk), 10 of which […]
January 10, 2012
I just got my DailyMile report for 2011. The results weren’t too bad (including all sports), but when I looked at the total miles for running, […]
January 1, 2012
Great day for a run, although somehow I managed to be in a headwind in BOTH directions. LOL It was sunny and in the upper 40s, […]
November 27, 2011
I’ve read a lot of books that say in order to run faster and get stronger you have to slow down. So I have been taking […]
November 25, 2011
On Thanksgiving, we give thanks for our friends, our family, and life in general. This Thanksgiving I had the absolute pleasure of spending time with my […]
October 30, 2011
My first MCM10K and it was a BLAST! Especially since I couldn’t even walk so well last Wednesday. Big time High 5 to Dr. Cheryl Lee-Pow! […]
October 27, 2011
Oh the things we do so we can run! I had to get dry needling done Wednesday night on my super-cramped calf. It’s not from running, […]
October 6, 2011
Do I still love to run? Yes! Am I committed to getting back on a regular running schedule? Yes! When will this happen? I don’t know! […]